Invited conference papers, presentations, and biographies are available for download.
Docman 1WCRI Lisbon - Papers and Presentations
pdf WCRI2007 Ana MARUSIC Why are scientific journals, small or large, important in fostering research integrity
pdf WCRI2007 Anthony KOMAROFF Problems Undermining Public Confidence in and Understanding of Research
pdf WCRI2007 Brian MARTINSON Research Integrity and the Social and Psychological Environments of Science
pdf WCRI2007 Gun SEMIN Enhancing the Self monitoring Function of Science and its Contribution to Integrity in Research
pdf WCRI2007 Herbert STEGEMANN The Potential of Local Editors Associations in Promoting Ethics in Publication
pdf WCRI2007 Larry BELL Who Do You Trust Science Museums as Forums for Conversations between Scientists and the Public
pdf WCRI2007 Matthias KAISER International cooperation to foster research integrity reflections on actors and instruments
pdf WCRI2007 Nigel LLOYD Workshop on Best Practicesfor Ensuring Scientific Integrityand Preventing Misconduct
pdf WCRI2007 Shamila NAIR BEDOUELLE The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology
pdf WCRI2007 Ulrike BEISIEGEL Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice Recommendation of the Germany Research Foundation