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Paul Taylor

  • Function:
    Planning Committee
  • Organisation:
    University of Melbourne, Australia


Paul Taylor, PhD, is the Director of the Office for Research Ethics & Integrity (OREI) at the University of Melbourne.

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Paul Taylor, PhD, is the Director of the Office for Research Ethics & Integrity (OREI) at the University of Melbourne. Paul has worked in research management for 6 years. He completed a PhD in Environmental Microbiology in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne, where he teaches to second year students. Dr. Taylor is Member of the International Programs Advisory Group for the University of Melbourne; Chair of the Universitas 21 Global Issues Program; Member of the University of Melbourne Mobility Advisory Group; Member of the Crawford Fund Victorian branch. Taylor holds numerous honorary adjunct Professorial positions at Nanjing Agricultural University, China; King Mongkut Institute of Technology, Thailand; Kasetsart University, Thailand; Maejo University, Thailand; and cosupervisors graduate students at University of Malaya.