Nicholas Steneck

Nicholas Steneck
Function:Conference Co-Chair
Organisation:Professor of History in LSA at the University of Michigan, US Office of Research Integrity (ORI)
Nicholas H. Steneck is a Professor Emeritus of History of Science, University of Michigan and an independent research integrity consultant.
Full story
From the University of Michigan: In the early-1980s, Professor Steneck chaired the University of Michigan’s pioneering Task Force on Integrity in Scholarship and later the US Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Research Integrity (1991-1993). As a US Office of Research Integrity (ORI) consultant (2000-2010), he helped establish the ORI Research on Research Integrity Program and organized four ORI Research on Research Integrity Conferences (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006). With ORI support, he also established the World Conference on Research Integrity (Lisbon 2007, Singapore 2010, Montreal 2013, Rio 2015, Amsterdam 2017). He was instrumental in the drafting and adoption of the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2010).His historical publications range from discussions of medieval science (Science and Creation, 1976) to modern policy disputes (The Microwave Debate, 1984). He has published articles on the history of research misconduct policy, responsible conduct of research instruction, the use of animals in research, classified research and academic freedom, the role of values in university research, research on research integrity and a novel approach to informed consent for biorepositories. His research integrity publications include the widely used ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research (2004, 2007; translated into Japanese, Chinese, and Korean). In recognition of his work on research integrity and the history of science, he became a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1992.In 2012, Professor Steneck began working as an author and advisor for the international, online education company, Epigeum (owned by Oxford University Press). He is currently Epigeum’s lead advisor for research integrity and the innovative assessment program known as “Impact.” In 2016 he was recognized as a Distinguished Friend of Oxford University for his years of advice on Oxford’s research integrity policies and programs.
Professor Steneck was Co-chair of the 1st World Conference on Research Integrity (Lisbon, 2007), Co-chair of the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (2010, Singapore), member of the Advisory Board of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity (Rio de Janeiro, 2015), and Co-chair of the 5th World Conference on Research integrity (Amsterdam, 2017).