Maura Hiney

Maura Hiney
Function:Adjunct Professor
Organisation:University College Dublin, Institute for Discovery
Dr Maura Hiney is a qualified nurse, has a PhD in Molecular Epizootology and Diagnostics, and has worked as both a researcher and Head of the Research Office at the National University of Ireland Galway.
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Maura is currently Head of International Cooperation, Evaluation and Targeted Programmes Health Research Board Ireland, which manages the HRB’s targeted funding portfolio to support health-relevant policy and practice-related research. The unit also conducts evaluations of funded programmes on an ongoing basis, develops and promotes policies for health research best practices, and hosts the National Delegate for Health, National Contact Point for Health for EC Framework Programmes, and the National Focal Point for the EU4Health Programme.Maura has a long-time interest in research Integrity (RI) and has been influential in raising awareness of RI issues in Ireland since 2007. She was deeply involved in establishing the National Forum on Research Integrity and developing a national RI policy framework for broad adoption. Internationally, Maura was, until recently, co-chair of the European Network of RI Offices (ENRIO), chair of the Science Europe Working Group on RI and was a key contributor to the European Competitiveness Council Conclusions on RI in 2015 on behalf of the Luxembourg Presidency. She is currently chair of the All European Academies (ALLEA) Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics, with whom she coordinated a revision of the European Code of Conduct on RI, launched by Commissioner Moedas in March 2017. She sits on the Policy Advisory Boards of several EU-funded SwafS projects that conduct research on various elements of ethics and RI, and is a partner on the SOPs4RI project, which is developing a suite of SOPs and guidelines for managing good research practices and RI promotion plan guidelines for adoption in the grant agreements in Horizon Europe.