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pdf WCRI2019 Joanna JOHNSON A missing component of research integrity pedagogy expanding RCR education to include writing scientific prose ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Jochem ZUJIDERWIJK The Evaluative Breach How research staff deal with a challenge of evaluative norms in a Dutch biomedical research institute ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Jochem ZUJIDERWIJK What if honest error is reason for retraction ( pdf, 791 KB ) (1081 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Joeri TIJDINK Scientist on the sofa How to survive in academia ( pdf, 1.18 MB ) (866 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Johannes HJELLBREKKE Research Integrity in Norway (RINO) The Murky Waters of QRP Attitudes and Self‐Reported QRPs ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 John INGLIS Getting up to speed with preprints Where we came from where we are now ( pdf, 638 KB ) (854 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 John Thomas Perspective of the Whistleblower ( pdf, 654 KB ) (772 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Jos KOLE Personalising impersonal science Narrative‐ethical analysis of some authorship cases ( pdf, 422 KB ) (807 downloads) Popular
default WCRI2019 Judith TER SCHURE Research Waste, Why we need to rethink meta analysis ( pdf, 782 KB ) (917 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Julia PRIESS BUCHHEIT Rotatory role playing and role models to enhance the research integrity culture ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Kwanchanok YIMTAE Fostering research integrity and social relevance of research findings an experience from Thailand ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Liapeng MATSAU An analysis of retracted articles with African authors or coauthors Possible implications for training and awareness raising ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Lisa WINSTANLEY Reviewing the Prevalence of Visual Plagiarism Within Visual Arts, Tertiary Education in South East Asia ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Lydia LIESEGANG The Impact of Published Incorrect Scientific Information on the Knowledge Production of Scientific Communities ( pdf )
default WCRI2019 Lyn HORN Ethical constraints to open data in a [South] African Health Research context ( pdf, 1.61 MB ) (799 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Mads P SØRENSEN Questionable research practices in the humanities ( pdf, 1.31 MB ) (825 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Mariana RIBIERO The views of a group of funders reviewers about the influence of retractions in the evaluation of grant proposals ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Mariette VAN DER HOVEN Empowering students through ( pdf, 654 KB ) (800 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Mario MALICKI Transparency and Openness in Research a Survey Among Researchers, Peer Reviewers and Editors Across Scientific Disciplines ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Martina BARAVALLE How to Foster Integrity with Prevention A European Role Model ( pdf, 1.90 MB ) (856 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Matthew HERDER The Merck Ebola Vaccine ( pdf, 4.00 MB ) (820 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Matthias KAISER The perceived FFP‐QRP hierarchy results from a large‐scale survey among Norwegian researchers ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Maura HINEY Transparency in research 2025 A funders perspective ( pdf, 429 KB ) (802 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Michael GOMMEL Back to Basics Can Early Communication about Good Scientific Practice Help Prevent Misconduct ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Michael IMPERIALE Incentives and Impediments to Research Integrity ( pdf, 447 KB ) (765 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Michael KALICHMAN Reserach Misconduct Disease or Symptom ( pdf, 202 KB ) (843 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Michael KHOR Global Trends in Research Integrity and Research Ethics Analysed through Bibliometrics Analysis of Publications ( pdf )
pdf WCRI2019 Michael REISIG The Perceieved Prevalence, Cause, and Prevention of Research Misconduct ( pdf, 1.09 MB ) (791 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Michael SEADLE Seminars on Research Integrity ( pdf, 1.79 MB ) (850 downloads) Popular
pdf WCRI2019 Michael WILLIS Essential areas for better peer review ( pdf, 883 KB ) (759 downloads) Popular